Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Essence of Christmas

"let's sing merry Christmas and a happy holiday. This season may we never forget the love we had for Jesus." I bet every Christmas we hear this song. And every December we celebrate Christmas. All we know is that, Christmas is the time when we eat many foods, where we get gifts from our god parents and where we wish anything to Santa Claus. But then, do we really know the true spirit or the real essence of Christmas?
Christmas is the season of LOVE. Jesus was born on Christmas Day because of His love to all mankind. He wanted to redeem our souls from sins. Therefore, we should love one another. We should know how to forgive the shortcomings of others and ask for the forgiveness of ours, too. Jesus had chosen to be born in a manger to show humility. We should let the real spirit of Christmas reign in our heart not only His birthday but all throughout the years.
To love and forgive one another are not a difficult thing to do, aren't they?


  1. :p oww? can you please translate it negs? hahaha..my nose is bleeding!. OMG!.well you're very good in english negscoh.May you continue your good job and please be good :) :p

  2. I like your post!!!!even though your post is to short you made your post very understandable and nice..



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